After releasing the track Puppets on 10th March and Lunatics which its video clip has been filmed at the Coromandel Hospital (an old abandonned hospital in New Zealand), Scalper has just released a new EP called Lunatics on 23rd March at JFX Lab.
Lunatics EP is a forwarming title. The mystics sounds appeal to moody ghosts and evils coming from Scalper’s dark imaginary world.
From the incantatory Lunatics to the heady beats of Gothic nursery rhyme in One Friend, to the jazz sounds of Puppets and to Phantom Ghosts where ghosts song assailed us, Scalper drive us in a dark hip-hop and a chant noise where spirituality and mystic atmosphere are mixing altogether on conscious lyrics.


Scalper will also release his vinyl LP The Emperor’s Clothes on Record Store Day, the 18th April. It will include some tracks from Lunatics EP.